17 February 2005
Tomorrow's the day...
Tomorrow night is the Mortimer release party at Suite G in Fremont. You should really show up. You'll have a good time.
On a different topic, the hotel I'm staying at doesn't have a washer or dryer in it. Is it just me or is that a little odd? Anyway, it's a total pain in the butt because I have to go elsewhere to get my laundry done. Last week I had to take a cab all over the dang place and finally ended up in this total dive 24-hour place which was just gross and creepy. This week, I upgraded and managed to finagle into the facilities of another nearby hotel. Life just isn't complete until you've carried your laundry around town in plastic hotel valet bags.
For those of you following the living situation saga, I still haven't found a place. I might have something with a friend up north, but who knows. At this point, I'll be officially homeless in another couple weeks. Of course, that shouldn't really change things much since I'm still on the road so much. If however you have some ideas, referrals, whatever, please don't hesitate to drop me a note.
Here's something I really missed today. I loved that pooch...

Oh, and I'm down another 3 pounds for those keeping track. Now I'm off to bed, another big day tomorrow and a rockin' party tomorrow night. See you all there!

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