Right now, I have a brief moment of free time after crossing an ocean-sized stretch in which I had none at all. I was supposed to spend the time working on a new CD, but this meant more to me. As usual, it applies to all of you, and none of you, in equal measure.
It's funny when you realize
that the biggest key to happy living
is in knowing and forgiving
It's hard to comprehend that making the road seem not so long
Is being sure you own the seeds you've sown
Don't deviate from your right path
Don't hesitate to correct your way
Claim your rights and claim your wrongs
Trust the one to whom your heart belongs
Without their trust there can be no love
Without their love life can't be enough
Don't relegate your dreams regardless of the offer
Don't mediate a compromise you'll only end up lacking
Share your rights and share your wrongs
Guard the one to whom your heart belongs
It's funny when you realize
that the biggest joy you'll find in living
is in the knowing and the forgiving.
Hope you liked it. If you didn't that's cool too. Drop me a line and let me know.
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